Latest News 3/1/11: HB46 was Defeated in the House with a vote of 27-42. If you call or email, it should be with your disappointment over the defeat.
Thank you, friends, for your time and effort! Together, we shall overcome! Juntos, sí se puede!
NM Representatives Who Voted No on HB46 on 2/22/11
Call to turn their vote around on the House Floor!
Alcon, Eliseo Lee - D 205A 505-986-4243
Anderson, Thomas -R 412C 505-986-4451
Brown, Cathrynn - R 203F CN -505-986-4211
Cervantes, Joseph - D 204B -505-986-4234
Chavez, David - R 412C 505-986-4451
Chavez, Ernest - D 204A 505-986-4235
Cook, Zachary - R 203J CN 505-986-4454
Dodge, George - D 203A CN 505-986-4255
Espinoza, Nora - R 202A 505-986-4221
Ezzell, Candy Spence - R 203H CN 505-986-4450
Garcia, Mary Helen - D 313A 505-986-4341
Garcia, Thomas - D 205B 505-986-4242
Gentry, Nate - R 206A 505-986-4249
Gray, William - R 203B 505-986-4226
Gutierrez, Joni Marie - D 413C 505-986-4436
Irwin, Dona - D 204B 505-986-4234
James, Conrad - R 203F CN 505-986-4211
King, Rhonda - D 413B 505-986-4438
Kintigh, Dennis - R 2031 CN <> -505-986-4453 askdennis@denniskintigh@com
Lewis, Tim - R 203C <> -505-986-4254
Lundstrom, Patricia - D 413F <> -505-986-4432
Martinez, Rodolpho - D 204A <> -505-986-4235
Nunez, Andy - D 413C <> -505-986-4436
Park, Al - D 308A <> -505-986-4413
Picraux, Danice - D 413B <> -505-986-4438
Powdrell-Culbert, Jane - R 203G -505-986-4467
Roch, Dennis - R 203C <> -505-986-4254
Salazar, Nick - D 413E <> -505-986-4433
Strickler, James - R 203G <> -505-986-4467
Taylor, Thomas - R 125C <> -505-986-4757
Tripp, Don - R 202B <> -505-986-4220
Trujillo, Jim - D 203A CN <> -505-986-4255
Vigil, Richard - D 205B 505-986-4242
Cutting through the bull to the heart of northern New Mexico! Let's talk politics, culture, and familia!
Española Landscape

Upper San Pedro
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saving Our Food - NM House Bill 46 - YOU are needed NOW!
House Bill 46 will ensure that New Mexico farmers (you and me) cannot be sued for having Monsanto's GMO/GE (Genetically Engineered) seeds/crops mixed in with our traditional seeds/crops, accidentally. Yes, this HAS happened. To Percy Schmeiser (see link at bottom of page). Yes, Monsanto can attempt to sue you for raising crops of it's seeds/food if you didn't buy the seeds. So, take 10 MINUTES NOW and CALL and EMAIL your NM Representatives to tell them to SUPPORT HB46 when it's heard on the House Floor. Don't know the number or email? Here's a link to the list:
Please, DON'T WAIT to take action. HB46 is currently on the Speaker of the House's desk. It WILL BE HEARD on the House Floor as soon as the timing is right. What does that mean? As soon as we have the support we need to pass this bill. It took a lot of effort on the part of the Seed Alliance and supporters to get the language right. In other words, the Monsanto lobbyist insisted on making many changes to the original bill. Remember, folks, we are building a food/seed movement. We will not pass a non-GMO bill for a while. One of the reasons is that southern NM raises big crops. It's difficult to get support from the Southern Reps/Senators on a strictly non-GMO bill.
So, right now what we can do is PASS HB46, because it PROTECTS FARMERS from MONSANTO - PROTECTS OUR LIABILITY - in case one of our neighbors is using Monsanto/GMO/GE seeds and they or their pollen blow into our fields of traditional seeds/crops. This bill PROTECTS US from being sued by a big corporation that owns the patent (yes, the DNA of a seed/plant can be patented - sick, right?) of the seed/pollen that blew into our yard - unwantedly, "accidentally".
Don't feel like you know much about GMO/GE food? Here's a link to a fantastic recording taken at NM Acequia Association's Annual Seed and Food Ceremony & Conference (Tierra, Water y Cultura), by Dr. Richard Pang, via Cultural Energy & Miguel Santistevan:
Now YOU KNOW, so ACT! Call and Email your state Representative NOW! See the link above for all the phone numbers and email addresses! Here's another link in case you don't know your Rep:
You can check out the website of the organization that put up HB46:
Farmer who was sued by Monsanto, Percy Schmeiser:
Please, DON'T WAIT to take action. HB46 is currently on the Speaker of the House's desk. It WILL BE HEARD on the House Floor as soon as the timing is right. What does that mean? As soon as we have the support we need to pass this bill. It took a lot of effort on the part of the Seed Alliance and supporters to get the language right. In other words, the Monsanto lobbyist insisted on making many changes to the original bill. Remember, folks, we are building a food/seed movement. We will not pass a non-GMO bill for a while. One of the reasons is that southern NM raises big crops. It's difficult to get support from the Southern Reps/Senators on a strictly non-GMO bill.
So, right now what we can do is PASS HB46, because it PROTECTS FARMERS from MONSANTO - PROTECTS OUR LIABILITY - in case one of our neighbors is using Monsanto/GMO/GE seeds and they or their pollen blow into our fields of traditional seeds/crops. This bill PROTECTS US from being sued by a big corporation that owns the patent (yes, the DNA of a seed/plant can be patented - sick, right?) of the seed/pollen that blew into our yard - unwantedly, "accidentally".
Don't feel like you know much about GMO/GE food? Here's a link to a fantastic recording taken at NM Acequia Association's Annual Seed and Food Ceremony & Conference (Tierra, Water y Cultura), by Dr. Richard Pang, via Cultural Energy & Miguel Santistevan:
Now YOU KNOW, so ACT! Call and Email your state Representative NOW! See the link above for all the phone numbers and email addresses! Here's another link in case you don't know your Rep:
You can check out the website of the organization that put up HB46:
Farmer who was sued by Monsanto, Percy Schmeiser:
Friday, February 25, 2011
Direct Action - Participating in Your Own Life
"Unless there is a Democratic Uprising here, there isn't going to be much chance for the people elsewhere, who are struggling courageously." -Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now (link at bottom of post)
Recently, I berated a long-time friend for not knowing about a LANL issue. Sad to say she was the victim of my frustration with "the system" and my perceived lack of action on the part of the activist community. Right now New Mexico's legislature is deciding the fate of GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) or GE (Genetically Engineered) chile. Right now, LANL and the DOE are defying the State of New Mexico's decision not to issue a burn permit (currently allows LANL to burn 13 deadly chemicals in the open air, which they must obtain every ten years)unless LANL and the DOE follow certain conditions. LANL and the DOE have stated that the State of New Mexico has no jurisdiction over federal agencies. The State of New Mexico is THE regulatory agency over LANL. Right now, the DOE is building a new Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement building - the place where they will continue to build 20 nuclear pits (bomb triggers) per year. And, these issues are only the beginning.
If you're feeling a bit sick after reading the last paragraph, you are responding normally to many abnormal situations. So. What do we do about all these issues? Do we as individuals join a bunch of organizations to oppose the takeover of our world? Do we hang out at the legislature every day and register our opposition? Do we march and demonstrate? Or, do we go on with life without so much as a peep?
My hope is that you will educate yourself, or at least read the posts of friends and trusted others (on blogs, in newspapers, on social media sites - like Facebook), attend meetings, and/or do internet research. After educating yourself, I hope that you will decide what position to take on the issue affecting your life. And, finally, I hope that you will act. Directly.
I hope that you will email and/or call your State and National Representatives and Senators. I hope that on issues that are VERY important to you, you will either show up as an individual or as part of an organization at your local city/town council, county commission meeting, legislative committee meeting/hearing, perhaps even go to Washington DC and lobby on your own behalf. I hope that you will tell all your friends, family, and neighbors what you have learned and encourage them to act with you. I hope that you will get up a petition and let your politicians know what it is you want. After all, THIS is your life. You can choose to ignore problems or face them - head on!
I must warn you, though, that in taking action your may begin to feel powerless. This happens when we realize that the system of government, bureaucracy, and corporate business holds most of the cards. That would not be such a bad thing if it weren't for the corruption that power and money bring. It is our responsibility as living, thinking beings to act in our own best interest. It's called survival and is one of our most basic instincts. So why are we no longer using this instinct?
Oppression. Paulo Freire in his "Pedagogy of the Oppressed", writes, "Leaders who do not act dialogically, but insist on imposing their decisions, do not organize the people--they manipulate them. They do not liberate, nor are they liberated: they oppress." Oppression can hold a person down. Through the actions of those in power oppression can be blamed on it's victims, and those victims can begin to believe it is their fault. Those in power can also normalize the oppression, so that individuals believe it is a normal part of their world. That is why action backed by education is so important. If those of us who know that oppression exists, know that it is not normal and not our fault, share the knowledge and organize action against the oppression, then we have hope. We have a shared energy that may carry us on through a struggle to end the oppression.
Those who know of and continuously act against oppression are activists. Those who share their knowledge and engage the community in continuous action against oppression are organizers. Each individual has the ability within him/herself to be an activist and an organizer. If each person who knows of oppression were to take action in regard to each social issue she/he felt affected by, he/she could hardly go to work each day. And, this is what the oppressors count on. So, how can we be effective and still take care of our daily responsibilities? That is for each individual to answer.
"[T]he more radical the person is, the more fully he or she enters into reality so that, knowing it better, he or she can transform it. This individual is not afraid to confront, to listen, to see the world unveiled. This person is not afraid to meet the people or to enter into a dialogue with them. This person does not consider himself or herself the proprietor of history or of all people, or the liberator of the oppressed; but he or she does commit himself or herself, within history, to fight at their side.", writes Paulo Freire (Pedagogy of the Oppressed). Don't be afraid to be radical. Wear it as a badge of honor.
Some issues that currently affect northern NM (please comment and add your own):
For more information on NM bills in the legislature preserving non-GMO/traditional seeds and farming:
Lots of great information on traditional seeds and food:
Bills being supported by NM Acequia Association:
Los Alamos National Laboratory/nuclear bomb issues:
"New Mexico Slammed by Three Concurrent DOE NEPA Processes", the latest headline from Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety:
A collective of local, women lead organizations working on environmental issues:
To make a claim regarding the NM Gas Company Outage/Crisis:
To register a complaint against NM Gas Company regarding the Outage/Crisis with the Public Regulation Commission (the State Commission that oversees utility companies):
AND, on a broader scale, a piece from Mother Jones Magazine, on the inequality in America:
"Democracy Uprising" by Amy Goodman and Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now:
Recently, I berated a long-time friend for not knowing about a LANL issue. Sad to say she was the victim of my frustration with "the system" and my perceived lack of action on the part of the activist community. Right now New Mexico's legislature is deciding the fate of GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) or GE (Genetically Engineered) chile. Right now, LANL and the DOE are defying the State of New Mexico's decision not to issue a burn permit (currently allows LANL to burn 13 deadly chemicals in the open air, which they must obtain every ten years)unless LANL and the DOE follow certain conditions. LANL and the DOE have stated that the State of New Mexico has no jurisdiction over federal agencies. The State of New Mexico is THE regulatory agency over LANL. Right now, the DOE is building a new Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement building - the place where they will continue to build 20 nuclear pits (bomb triggers) per year. And, these issues are only the beginning.
If you're feeling a bit sick after reading the last paragraph, you are responding normally to many abnormal situations. So. What do we do about all these issues? Do we as individuals join a bunch of organizations to oppose the takeover of our world? Do we hang out at the legislature every day and register our opposition? Do we march and demonstrate? Or, do we go on with life without so much as a peep?
My hope is that you will educate yourself, or at least read the posts of friends and trusted others (on blogs, in newspapers, on social media sites - like Facebook), attend meetings, and/or do internet research. After educating yourself, I hope that you will decide what position to take on the issue affecting your life. And, finally, I hope that you will act. Directly.
I hope that you will email and/or call your State and National Representatives and Senators. I hope that on issues that are VERY important to you, you will either show up as an individual or as part of an organization at your local city/town council, county commission meeting, legislative committee meeting/hearing, perhaps even go to Washington DC and lobby on your own behalf. I hope that you will tell all your friends, family, and neighbors what you have learned and encourage them to act with you. I hope that you will get up a petition and let your politicians know what it is you want. After all, THIS is your life. You can choose to ignore problems or face them - head on!
I must warn you, though, that in taking action your may begin to feel powerless. This happens when we realize that the system of government, bureaucracy, and corporate business holds most of the cards. That would not be such a bad thing if it weren't for the corruption that power and money bring. It is our responsibility as living, thinking beings to act in our own best interest. It's called survival and is one of our most basic instincts. So why are we no longer using this instinct?
Oppression. Paulo Freire in his "Pedagogy of the Oppressed", writes, "Leaders who do not act dialogically, but insist on imposing their decisions, do not organize the people--they manipulate them. They do not liberate, nor are they liberated: they oppress." Oppression can hold a person down. Through the actions of those in power oppression can be blamed on it's victims, and those victims can begin to believe it is their fault. Those in power can also normalize the oppression, so that individuals believe it is a normal part of their world. That is why action backed by education is so important. If those of us who know that oppression exists, know that it is not normal and not our fault, share the knowledge and organize action against the oppression, then we have hope. We have a shared energy that may carry us on through a struggle to end the oppression.
Those who know of and continuously act against oppression are activists. Those who share their knowledge and engage the community in continuous action against oppression are organizers. Each individual has the ability within him/herself to be an activist and an organizer. If each person who knows of oppression were to take action in regard to each social issue she/he felt affected by, he/she could hardly go to work each day. And, this is what the oppressors count on. So, how can we be effective and still take care of our daily responsibilities? That is for each individual to answer.
"[T]he more radical the person is, the more fully he or she enters into reality so that, knowing it better, he or she can transform it. This individual is not afraid to confront, to listen, to see the world unveiled. This person is not afraid to meet the people or to enter into a dialogue with them. This person does not consider himself or herself the proprietor of history or of all people, or the liberator of the oppressed; but he or she does commit himself or herself, within history, to fight at their side.", writes Paulo Freire (Pedagogy of the Oppressed). Don't be afraid to be radical. Wear it as a badge of honor.
Some issues that currently affect northern NM (please comment and add your own):
For more information on NM bills in the legislature preserving non-GMO/traditional seeds and farming:
Lots of great information on traditional seeds and food:
Bills being supported by NM Acequia Association:
Los Alamos National Laboratory/nuclear bomb issues:
"New Mexico Slammed by Three Concurrent DOE NEPA Processes", the latest headline from Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety:
A collective of local, women lead organizations working on environmental issues:
To make a claim regarding the NM Gas Company Outage/Crisis:
To register a complaint against NM Gas Company regarding the Outage/Crisis with the Public Regulation Commission (the State Commission that oversees utility companies):
AND, on a broader scale, a piece from Mother Jones Magazine, on the inequality in America:
"Democracy Uprising" by Amy Goodman and Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now:
Sunday, February 13, 2011
NM Gas Co. Crisis or What You Learn at a Yard Sale
Today was the perfect yard sale day. Warm, sunny, not too hot, not too windy. This would have been a much better time for the New Mexico Gas Company Crisis! Perhaps no one would have lit their homes on fire and lost everything they owned. Perhaps no one would have died in their burning home. Holding a yard sale was an act of faith that we can release the past and move on to the future. For some families, that will be an insurmountable task.
So, it was fitting that a team of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) employees came by our family yard sale. Other customers were anxious to tell some of their stories to the folks from Louisiana and Texas. Did I say Texas? No, they had nothing to do with the New Mexico Gas Company. Other customers stared, seeming to wait for their responses to the stories being told. We were all a bit awed to have key players in the crisis response at our tables. A little surprised that they were humans who played with the old Hot Wheels cars, and considered buying this or that. It was a good day to be human. It was a good day to tell of our hardships and listen to each other.
So, it was fitting that a team of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) employees came by our family yard sale. Other customers were anxious to tell some of their stories to the folks from Louisiana and Texas. Did I say Texas? No, they had nothing to do with the New Mexico Gas Company. Other customers stared, seeming to wait for their responses to the stories being told. We were all a bit awed to have key players in the crisis response at our tables. A little surprised that they were humans who played with the old Hot Wheels cars, and considered buying this or that. It was a good day to be human. It was a good day to tell of our hardships and listen to each other.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Gas Crisis Continues to Chill the Air
Today, New Mexico's Congressional Delegation sponsored a forum to assist northern New Mexican's in our struggle to regain not only a warm functional home, but dignity. Representatives from the US Departments of Agriculture, Energy, Small Business Administration and Housing and Urban Development presented information to an overflowing crowd at the Española City Plaza's Misión Museum this morning. Information was made available on how to get assistance (both grants and loans) to repair the damages that were caused during the recent seven-day New Mexico Gas crisis. Information ranged from home repair to business assistance, farming/livestock issues to emergency housing. The presentations were brief. But, the crowd was not satisfied.
Northern New Mexicans who attended the forum wanted answers about why some of the coldest counties had had our gas turned off, while the southern counties continued to have service. Business owners wanted to know how they would make up for the loss. Most of all, the crowd wanted to know why the forum didn't include representatives from New Mexico Gas Company. The crowd was told only that the company had been invited.
A group of local activists who had held three days of protest across from NM Gas Company's Española office were in attendance with a rented bullhorn! From the back of the huge room, Luis Peña, Adan Baca, and Robert Chavez asked questions of whomever was at the podium; interrupting when needed and refusing to be silenced!!! The group allowed other audience members to use the bullhorn's mic to pose their questions. It was obvious that gas customers were deeply affected by the crisis.
Terribly, one man in the crowd broke down as he explained that his home had caught on fire after lighting the home's water heater. He had lost everything he owned. Compassionate listeners in the crowd offered to help him with whatever he needed - a place to stay, furniture, etc. The master of ceremonies, Terry Brunner, was compassionate and kept the meeting moving.
Taos Mayor, Darren Cordova; and former President of the National Congress of American Indians, and Ohkay Ohwingeh Governor (currently Head of the Council), Joe Garcia, gave the crowd satisfaction as they extolled the need for response by the New Mexico Gas Company to the northern communities affected by the crisis. Mayor Cordova said that "the Mayors [of the northern areas] must stand together to hold [NM Gas Company's] feet to the fire". The crowd exploded in cheers.
Julianna Barbee, of the Española SBDC, promised to put a forum together for the area's small business owners to find solutions to their needs caused by the New Mexico Gas Company outage. Anyone who has questions may reach her at: 505-747-2236 or 505-747-2240
I called for action from our Congressional Delegation to ensure that the New Mexico Public Regulations Commission would act on this matter. The Public Regulations Commission (PRC) regulates the New Mexico Gas Company. The commission was responsible for overseeing the sale of NM gas services between PNM and NM Gas Company. And, it is the PRC that northern New Mexico must look to for answers why New Mexico Gas Company failed us. To file a complaint with the PRC regarding the gas crisis:
Senators Richard Martinez and Carlos Sisneros will hold a forum on the NM State of Emergency caused by NM Gas Company tomorrow, Friday, 2/11/11, at the Roundhouse, at Noon. The Public Regulations Commission and representatives from NM Gas Company will be there. Please attend!
The USDA (US Department of Agriculture)will be at the local USDA office at 424 Riverside Drive, to help fill out forms for all their programs.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is in the area to determine whether the crisis should be declared a national disaster. If so, more federal funds will be made available.
Below is a list of information gathered at today's forum. More information should be published in local newspapers.
USDA (US Dept. of Agriculture)
504 Home Repair Grant or Loan
for Communities of 10k people or less
up to 20k per person may be available
Water/Utilities Assistance - Repairs, etc. 505-761-4950
Community Facilities for communities under 20k residents
Salomon Ramirez of Farm Services for loss to farms, ranches, livestock, etc.
General Phone Number for Assistance: 505-761-4900
HUD (Housing and Urban Development)
Housing funds available to communities in grant form 505-346-7361
DOE (Dept. of Energy) via NM Mortgage Finance Authority
Emergency Housing Available call Catherine at 505-843-6880
Northern New Mexicans who attended the forum wanted answers about why some of the coldest counties had had our gas turned off, while the southern counties continued to have service. Business owners wanted to know how they would make up for the loss. Most of all, the crowd wanted to know why the forum didn't include representatives from New Mexico Gas Company. The crowd was told only that the company had been invited.
A group of local activists who had held three days of protest across from NM Gas Company's Española office were in attendance with a rented bullhorn! From the back of the huge room, Luis Peña, Adan Baca, and Robert Chavez asked questions of whomever was at the podium; interrupting when needed and refusing to be silenced!!! The group allowed other audience members to use the bullhorn's mic to pose their questions. It was obvious that gas customers were deeply affected by the crisis.
Terribly, one man in the crowd broke down as he explained that his home had caught on fire after lighting the home's water heater. He had lost everything he owned. Compassionate listeners in the crowd offered to help him with whatever he needed - a place to stay, furniture, etc. The master of ceremonies, Terry Brunner, was compassionate and kept the meeting moving.
Taos Mayor, Darren Cordova; and former President of the National Congress of American Indians, and Ohkay Ohwingeh Governor (currently Head of the Council), Joe Garcia, gave the crowd satisfaction as they extolled the need for response by the New Mexico Gas Company to the northern communities affected by the crisis. Mayor Cordova said that "the Mayors [of the northern areas] must stand together to hold [NM Gas Company's] feet to the fire". The crowd exploded in cheers.
Julianna Barbee, of the Española SBDC, promised to put a forum together for the area's small business owners to find solutions to their needs caused by the New Mexico Gas Company outage. Anyone who has questions may reach her at: 505-747-2236 or 505-747-2240
I called for action from our Congressional Delegation to ensure that the New Mexico Public Regulations Commission would act on this matter. The Public Regulations Commission (PRC) regulates the New Mexico Gas Company. The commission was responsible for overseeing the sale of NM gas services between PNM and NM Gas Company. And, it is the PRC that northern New Mexico must look to for answers why New Mexico Gas Company failed us. To file a complaint with the PRC regarding the gas crisis:
Senators Richard Martinez and Carlos Sisneros will hold a forum on the NM State of Emergency caused by NM Gas Company tomorrow, Friday, 2/11/11, at the Roundhouse, at Noon. The Public Regulations Commission and representatives from NM Gas Company will be there. Please attend!
The USDA (US Department of Agriculture)will be at the local USDA office at 424 Riverside Drive, to help fill out forms for all their programs.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is in the area to determine whether the crisis should be declared a national disaster. If so, more federal funds will be made available.
Below is a list of information gathered at today's forum. More information should be published in local newspapers.
USDA (US Dept. of Agriculture)
504 Home Repair Grant or Loan
for Communities of 10k people or less
up to 20k per person may be available
Water/Utilities Assistance - Repairs, etc. 505-761-4950
Community Facilities for communities under 20k residents
Salomon Ramirez of Farm Services for loss to farms, ranches, livestock, etc.
General Phone Number for Assistance: 505-761-4900
HUD (Housing and Urban Development)
Housing funds available to communities in grant form 505-346-7361
DOE (Dept. of Energy) via NM Mortgage Finance Authority
Emergency Housing Available call Catherine at 505-843-6880
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