Española Landscape

Española  Landscape
Upper San Pedro

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Occupy Española - Releasing the Great Divide

Occupy Wall Street has come into my life giving me the opportunity to get out on the streets, once again. For that, I'm grateful! But, life in northern NM is different. Different than any place on earth. Sure, people are currently focused on "faster cars, younger women, and more money", as one country song declares. Underneath, though, we know - we are - something that most peoples on this earth have lost connection to. Life. The river of life.

Northern New Mexico flows. And, the flow never ends. We are. And, nothing and no one can negate this. That's why peoples have come to "occupy" these valles y montes, la tierra segrada. It IS sacred and upon living with it, on it, in harmony, we become sacred, too. So, why do we need to get out there and protest anything? The ancestors of the pueblo people have been here for 10s of 1000s of years. Occupation a mere 500. A blip on the radar scale of forever.


Because too many of us have gotten caught up in the illusion of media and plastic China-made garbage; caught up in a web of lies. And, it's time to extricate ourselves. By starting a revolution one step-at-a-time. First, we must look at basic needs of our northern communities. Matthew Martinez, helped "Occupy Española" to see that. Our first basic need: food.

It is good to come back to center. Food brings in all the elements of survival. In our valleys and mountains, we must look at the watershed, acequias, traditional seeds, farming, gardening, harvest, food preservation and storage, seasonal foods, farmers' markets, GMOs, local markets carrying local food, eating food with value to promote health, health concerns, healthcare, children's health & education, ranching, on and on. But, again - balance. Where do we start? Where will it end?

There is so much happening in our area around food. All we have to do is become aware. So, to that end, Occupy Española is beginning our path by forming an awareness campaign around local food. This weekend, we flyered Wal-Mart till we got kicked out. We had flyers promoting the new "La Tiendita" cafe that features local food grown on Northern NM College campus and prepared in its commercial kitchen. It's located in the Johnson Controls Building, on Railroad Avenue. And, let me just tell you that the chocolate cake is to die for!!!

The flyer promoted the newly opened Española Community Market, too! The co-op has opened a storefront in the old Chamber of Commerce modular on the West Side. They have online shopping! And, starting later in November, they will take EBT cards (foodstamps). And, the membership is affordable! My husband is a student, and we were able to join the co-op for only $10! This is all thanks to Melissa Salazar and all the great volunteers (Guido & Melody Lambelet, Atocha Maestas, Elena Martinez, and more!) and the Board of Directors. Below is a link so you can start shopping! They need more volunteers and the building needs a lot of work - help out if you can! This is OUR market!

Occupy Española has come to focus on what's really important in this area. It does address the great divide between the richest and the most poor. It addresses those issues in a manner that's culturally relative. It focuses on one of our oldest components of traditional living: food.

Our next General Assembly (meeting) will be held on:
Wednesday, November 2nd
Northern NM College Cafeteria

*for more information on the protest or the meeting, call: 505-231-1433

For more information on Occupy Wall Street:

For more information on Española Community Market:

Friday, October 21, 2011

Occupy Española - Doubling Numbers, Changing Name (?) & Preparing for Protest (10/22)

We asked that our numbers be doubled during the first General Assembly of Occupy Española, and our request was answered.  Nearly 30 people attended the Occupy Española's second General Assembly, Wednesday night.  It was inter-generational and inter-cultural.  And, the call for more participants continues to sound.

Tomorrow's protest march on the sidewalks of North Riverside Drive, from Wells Fargo to Bank of America will amplify that call!  Residents of the Española area will see their relatives, friends, and neighbors marching in protest of Corporate Banks; we welcome everyone to join us! 

Protest March Details

We have a permit to march tomorrow, from 11am to 4pm on the sidewalks from Wells Fargo to Bank of America.  However, the official time of the march is 11am to 3pm, so that we can allow for clean-up and perhaps a final gathering.  

You may park at the old Rigoberto's/Taco Bell on the corner of La Joya St. and Riverside Drive.

Please bring a sign.  We will have markers and tag board, but we hope to use those materials for passersby who decide to join us.  

We have two cases of water.  If you'd like to donate some water, please feel free to do so.  Just bring them to the sidewalk in front of Wells Fargo.  I will be stationed there throughout the march.  

Make sure you wear sunscreen, hats, appropriate clothing and footwear.  If you are bringing children, please discuss safety beforehand.  

Thank you!  We want a safe, peaceful march of community members that symbolizes a call to stand against the madness that infects our lands!

General Assembly Issues & Next Meeting Info.

We are discussing a name change in solidarity with our Indigenous (including Chicano) brothers and sisters.  New Mexico has been occupied by Europeans for 500 years; this area has been occupied by the United States of America for over 100.  It is time to end the occupation and live with dignity on the land for which I am so grateful!

You can join the group's name-change conversation by entering a comment here ( or taking the poll on the Occupy Española's Facebook site:

 Some of the proposed  names are:

Our next General Assembly (meeting) will be held on:
Wednesday, October 26th
Northern NM College Cafeteria

*for more information on the protest or the meeting, call:  505-231-1433

*please remember to vote for the name you think most appropriate for our group!

For more information on Occupy Wall Street:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Occupy Española - Diverse Dialog

The first meeting of Occupy Española hosted a number of people.  The group was diverse.  And, I hope it will continue to grow in number and diversity!

Santiago Juarez, long-time activist, former Executive Director of NM Progressive Alliance for Community Empowerment and Re-Visioning New Mexico, J. D., and my mentor, gave us a call to action; or non-action, as it were.  He reminded us that the actions that may come out of Occupy Wall Street were not the most important.  Dialog.  True dialog was the real point of holding the space on Wall Street, and the NNMC cafeteria.  He said that our politicians, CEOs and Wall Street workers may continue business as usual, but it would never be the same, because they had nowhere to hide.  It was now evident that the emperor has no clothes.

Santiago reminded us that class warfare HAD been waged, and the rich had won.  Not only had they won, but that we the 99% had lost.  You and I - We the people - had lost.  Now is a time for dialog.

Santiago had taught me long ago that dialog was incredibly important!  But, dialog takes patience and I find it much more difficult than action.  Last night was a wake-up call!   I realized that I am an action junkie.  There have been times during this year  (heck, so many years of my adult life) that I felt powerless unless I was taking action that I never stopped to fully appreciate why I always felt so joyful to just sit around talking with all my activist friends during the planning, and after executing an event/action.

It was the sharing, the building of intimate connection, that gave me real soul.  The actions, I knew, were the foot in the door to begin dialog with others.  But, valuing the time with my fellow organizers was what was truly lacking in my realization of what mattered.

I've been blessed enough to work with many, many groups over my lifetime.  Within those groups I always found a strong connection to several of my fellow members.  Those connections have lasted even when the group or my relationship with the group didn't.  My wedding this summer was full of people with whom I had made those deep connections.  It was an honor that a good number of them were present, and that those who couldn't be there sent their best wishes!

Occupy Española promises to be one of the most fruitful groups I've ever belonged to.  Last night there was the type of brave discourse that I have hoped and planned for for thirteen years.  People were themselves.  They spoke from the heart.  And, yes, a couple of people left when they were no longer comfortable.  That's how real it got.

I admire those who entered and remained in that dialog.  It was full of the pain that we in this community have faced for centuries.  It was also full of hope!  In general, even the difficult parts were ultimately met with respect.  I couldn't have asked for more; true respect for one another, as fellow beings spoken with truth, heart, and courage without regard to action.  Dialog for dialog's sake.  And, that my friends, is worth ALL the money the 1% and Wall Street hold!

They can no longer fool us.  We can see them clearly.  The emperor has no clothes.  And, WE the People have found one another in dialog, at last!  Que Viva Occupy Española!

Join us for the next Occupy Española General Assembly (meeting)
Date:  Wednesday, October 19th, 2011
Time:  7pm
Location:  Northern NM College Cafeteria
                                     921 Paseo de Oñate, Española, NM

For more information on the meeting call:  505-231-1433

Here are some of the sites for more information:

Occupy Española's Facebook Page:

Occupy Wall Street:

Monday, October 10, 2011

Occupy Española - Come Join Us - Wed., 10/12

To quote a friend, "Te quiero PROGRESS, you can keep the change". The perfect sentiment for northern New Mexico. We don't want to change everything we love about our home. We don't want to change the amazing community organizing that has been happening on an ever widening scale. But, we do want progress. Occupy Wall Street is an incredible national movement to take our money, our dignity, our freedom back from the corporations and institutions that no longer serve the people. Our little bit of it is currently named Occupy Española  ( 

We will hold our first General Assembly in two days, on Wednesday, October 12th, in the cafeteria at Northern NM College.

Changing the name should be a top priority, as a poet friend pointed out - the pueblos have occupied this place for tens of thousands of years. Those of us who are of mixed heritage - Hispanics, Chicanos, Mestizos, share that long history and another that encompasses only 400 years.

Whether you have been here 1 year or 100,000 years, you are a part of a beautiful community that is riddled with drugs, violence, poor public education, un or underemployment, and the beast - Los Alamos National Laboratory. We have been cash poor since a cash economy came to the area after World War II. Lack of cash is not the problem. Losing our way of life, and for some - losing ourselves - is.

So, what can Occupy Wall Street/Occupy Española mean for this community?  Progress!

I challenge you to take a deep breath, close your eyes, and for ninety seconds imagine what northern New Mexico would look like if it were perfect - to you. Write down what struck you most about your vision. What part of your vision are you currently working on? What part of your vision do you want to work on? Can others help? Would getting support be useful? Would you like to belong to a group that is making their visions come true?

Ok. Some of you already belong to this kind of group. If that's the case, then I ask, wouldn't you like to give others in our community the opportunity to share in making visions come true? Do you have all the volunteers you need? If you answered no and then yes to those questions, please stop reading. You and your organization don't need us. But, hey wait! Maybe we need you!

If you don't belong to a group, or would like an opportunity to continue to create your vision, please join us for Occupy Española's first General Assembly (meeting):  

Date: Wednesday, October 12th, 2011 
Time: 7-9 pm 
Place: Northern NM College's cafeteria, Administration Building, 
           921 Paseo de Onate, Espanola, NM

For more information, call Clarissa Duran: 505-231-1433, or email me at

Please pass it on! Thank you!