Española Landscape

Española  Landscape
Upper San Pedro

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Say NO to GMO Chile - Que Viva Nuestra Cultura, Comida, Chile!!! Part 2

Despite our efforts, the Joint Memorial 26 (allowing NNMSU to research and develop a GMO chile) made it to the Senate Floor today. It passed: 26-0, with 16 excused absences, including my own Senator Richard Martinez.


Our leaders don't care to protect our way of life. Politics haven't cut it. We're on our own. We have got to take measures to ensure we and all our neighbors are using traditional seeds!

Please see a previous post on my blog, "Do You Love New Mexican Food" for my solutions to this SERIOUS PROBLEM! What are yours?

A link to how each Senator voted:

1 comment:

  1. What an embarassment for New Mexico! ZERO votes against, SIXTEEN absences?!? All of the senators should be force-fed GMO chile at every meal for the rest of their lives...
